The War

You’ve undoubtedly heard the bad news about the war. There’s a temptation sometimes with news like this to view it just as something that happened to someone else in a faraway place. There’s a temptation sometimes to say to ourselves, “Meh. Is this really relevant to me? How does this news have any impact on …

Looking through the Lens of Love

Jesus said, “Woe to you who are rich, for you have received your consolation.” (Doing the sign of the cross and looking up to heaven) Whoa, Jesus, do I seriously have to preach on this? There are people here looking at me who are rich. Could you please help me out here with what to …

Glow of God

What is your perspective on today’s Gospel reading? What is this Gospel saying to you right now? What is it speaking into your heart? I’m going to be silent now. (10 seconds of silence). I have four children at home, so if no one wants to say anything, I will gladly take all the silence …